Embodied Gathering: Discovering Empowerment Together
NOTE: I will only host a gathering if 4 commit each time. If gatherings are a priority for you, I am here for it!!! When we commit to our growth, magic happens. For whomever wants it, we will continue to deepen together.
It is crucial, especially in times such as these, that as we find spaces and people who listen to and believe in our stories – to our sacred, lived experiences. Your experiences are the hallowed ground of your being and will be fully honored in our sacred and carefully created container.
In this group we are real with each other. We show up as we are, with whatever is going on for us- our joys, our struggles, our tears, and/or our laughter. In a world that has often tried to control us, or where we have tried to control ourselves, we learn how empowering it is to be fully ourselves.
Belonging, community, connection and a healthy nervous system are crucial for our well-being, and a safe community is the perfect place to discover our relationship with life. We gather to become more intimate with, and more available for, our life. For those who would like support in their journey, this is an affordable, safe option.
An empowered container for us evolve together
Every day I witness a sense of empowerment when people feel safe enough to honestly connect to their actual lived experiences, when their sorrows and celebrations are allowed, named, spoken, expressed, and felt. Being heard in a supportive environment conveys and births a sense of embodied empowerment that is known from deep within the being. Neuropathways shift, one’s sense of safety in the world changes, and relationships with life are transformed. Possibilities we couldn’t even imagine reveal themselves.
Join us as we gather and explore together. Using tools and practices I have developed and learned through my trainings in holding sacred circles, I will compassionately and gently hold space as we gather together.
These gatherings are sacred spaces where everyone is welcome. People going through their Dark Night of the Soul experiences, survivors of abuse, people who have had awakenings and want community, people struggling in their life in various ways, and/or people simply wanting connection along their journey are likely to find home in these gatherings.
We will meet for 60-75 minutes on Zoom. Please contact me with questions, concerns or future dates: LLMEUSER@ME.COM
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acceptance addiction Aliveness allowing awakening awareness beliefs body community compassion curiosity deepening Deepening Course discomfort dominant narrative embodiment event fear gathering healing heart inquiry Insight integration life love meditation oppression poem poetry possibility present relationships Rest self-love self awareness shame slowing down social justice somatic support trauma wisdom year 2013 year 2014