Phewwweeeeeee this is a huge topic.
Consent is all about choice, and choice is connected with empowerment… and for there to be consent, for us to be empowered, we must learn how to slow down, be curious, ask questions, and lean into the intimacy of the moment, with self and other.
AND, because we live in a culture that is full up on disempowerment and disembodiment, being in right relationship with our own self as well as other selves is reallllllly off our radar most of the time.
Ana Maria and I are going to do a Live IG Wed, Aug 9, at 9am and we’re going to dip our toes into this topic, and we’d love your questions! Send them to me at LLMEUSER@ME.COM
Wanna join us in real time? Follow Ana Maria over on IG at @moveandbloom