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Toward the end of a session with a client, we named that there were inner parts that had not yet known love- that were in “love becoming” (a phrase my teachers use).  They reminded me that I’d written about love becoming, and that it’s been so useful for them. They went on, referencing a blog post I’d written a couple years ago, during a time when I was writing a series on Trusting Life, which, for most of us is one of the hardest things possible.  

It always makes me happy to hear how what I’ve written or put onto Insight Timer has helped folks. And even more than that, when they offer my own sharings back to me-because I almost always need to be reminded.  I needed to be reminded of this blog post, because, well… underneath my own deconstruction that is occuring is also the important remembering that yes, I can trust life. Amidst forgetting and remembering. Amidst dissolution and reconfiguring. Amidst struggle and challenge and bountiful expansion, I can trust life. Which is also to say: I can trust this moment which is in co-creation, that I am very much a part of.

One thing led to another, and we wound up re-membering  the first three of the 12 steps, which can basically get broken down to (1) I can’t, (2) god can, (3) will I let god?  Because colonization has mucked up so many words, including god, I like to mess around with it. Today’s messing around led to this co-creation with my client:

Step 1- my small traumatized self (who is in love becoming) can’t manage/control/figure it all out.

Step 2- The present moment – this very moment (life/god)- can.

Step 3- Will I let the present moment (life/god) have me? ( Will I re-orient again and again back to this very moment to receive the support that is Here?)

I find these 3 steps, broken down like this, so helpful. Not easy, but practically helpful- like a roadmap is helpful once you know how to maneuver a car.

Oh yikkkes embodiment is brave work, and, bravery is generative, allowing us to be generative humans co-creating this life together.  My clients are such amazing creatures. Yes, sometimes I am a tired therapist (tired therapist™ ), but most of the time they enliven me, give me hope, and remind me that we are creatures created with the ability to evolutionize in amazing ways. Halleluiah!

To read more about love becoming and trusting life, check out my blog post titled “Trusting Life: a Series of Posts Chronicalling Internal Wounds Wanting Love.”

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