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Let us Breath


A client today explored his need to seek out solutions. “What if, as a child, I was taught or guided to just feel, instead of immediately look for solutions”, he pondered.

Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting solutions to problems. But too often, in this fixing and solving and left brained focused world we live in, we forget to feel and we seek through solutions.

What if we spent a moment on feeling before jumping into solutions? There’s feelings under all that, waiting to be felt.

What if we stayed put, and breathed with what’s actually here now, instead of distracting ourselves away from what’s here now?

Sometimes we can act AND feel. Jump, scream, yell, cry. Let those emotions act through you. Feeeeeeeeel what you’re feeling.

When we jump to solutions to evade feeling, the feelings don’t go away. The pain, the fear, the anger, the grief… it all stays.

When the seeking is released, and the feelings allowed, wisdom in the form of solutions will arise naturally from the ashes. Until then, let us hold ourselves. Let us breath. Let us breath.


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