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Wanting to know!

I want to know things, get information, understand- I want to take understanding and use it- to drive a stake into the ground, all as an attempt to create safety and security, certainty and control. The formation of subtle identities gets built upon this knowing, and i try to rest my hat here, in this illusion of certainty. I can try to do this all I want, but it is just an attempt to try and find certainty and control in a universe that is always moving, where there is no real certainty or control. Information, experience, and moment to moment knowing is not permanent, but instead like leaves blowing in the wind, always changing in the forever moment of “now.” When seen in this way, the wanting to know is seen as futile. Beingness continues, without the creation of identiy, without making things to be certain, without the grasping for control, and without anything being personal. Instead everything, life is seen for what it is, movements and expressions of form, within the formless of all.  

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