A Weekend of Knowing Love: Zoom retreat
You know when things happen that result in you not getting what you want? Hello disappointment! I felt the big feelings I had in response to needing to pivot the upcoming retreat to zoom, and then I got really curious. That curiosity turned into dreaming into possibility and potentiality, and re-visioning started to happen. Naturally, I became hella excited.
I’ve been doing zoom trainings for 7 years- and not just any trainings but somatic and experiential trainings- so being on zoom is fertile and familiar ground for me. We will be intentionally somatically and experientially co-creating, with care for our nervous system being centered throughout. Our time together will be filled with spaciousness and creatively designed opportunities for us to slow down, receive, and be filled up, while we discover, recognize and remember our well-being- priming our systems to Know Love.
Those of you who have been to my courses know that I like to connect to lots of different terrain while exploring- we write, dance/move, lie down, stand up, sit, eat, are quiet, share … you get the gist. All activities will be optional as consensuality is important to me. Keeping oneself muted and/or off camera will always be an option.
This retreat will be generative, and it will begin before the first day. What does this mean? As soon as you sign up, I will send you information/resources/practices that you can play with and possibilities to consider. Think of it as… foreplay! Throughout the weekend we will be tapping into what is alive within your very being, so your mind, body and spirit will be fed in ways which will stay in the cells of your being long after Sunday comes to an end. Neuropathways shift through repetition and saturation, so our three days together will support your embodiment journey in a way that is kind and transformative.  Aftercare is also important to me, which is why I offer Gatherings two times a month. You will find support there: we learn and grow together.
The truth? I am excited *for myself* about being a part of this event. Because we will be in community co-creating, I know that it will also fill me up, nourish me, and provide me with lots of time and space to dream and remember and vision- from a place of well-ness and with other amazing people. Oh YESSSSSS I am loving this invitation for us and our nervous systems. We need this time to reconnect with the depths of our Beings.
Please know, this is a short addendum to the blog post I wrote a few weeks ago so if you haven’t read that, please do so. You might also check out my chat on my YouTube channel.
The Details!
Dates: October 22, 23, 24. Estimated Times: Friday 1-4pm ET, Sat and Sun 11am-5pm ET. Investment: Sliding scale investment is USD 395-595. Limited scholarships available. Donations accepted for those needing scholarships. Location: Zoom- I will be keeping this limited to approximately 20 people.
(Days or times don’t work for you? Please reach out… we’re trying to make this as accessible for everyone!)
Like what you’re reading but can’t make it? Consider learning about my 10 month 2022 Matrix Integration Exploration. Info coming soon!
Please email me with any questions, concerns, or to sign up! LLMEUSER@me.com