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Applications are now Available for the Matrix Integration Exploration 2024: Learn More

We Can Know Love: Being Together on Zoom (edited)


New edit from September 20th:

This will now be an online event! Please keep reading to learn more, and read about the process of changing from live to on-line here.

Don’t like zoom or zoom retreats?  Read here! 

Ana Maria Pardo and I had a conversation about the upcoming retreat! You can watch it here!!!



I’m so excited to tell you about the upcoming Zoom retreat in October 22, 23, 24! But first, let me tell you about what’s important to me: Connection.

Connection with Self.

Connection with Others.

Connection with All.

Growing up this is what my heart deeply yearned for, as if I somehow knew the connection that existed between all things.

Watching the birds. Staring into the trees. Looking at the faces around me and in my dreams. I was trying to find what I knew was there, but instead- in spite of my curiosity- I often felt separate and empty. And alone. I learned how to push through. Past my yearnings. Past my fear, past the pain of disconnect. I learned to pretend, but I couldn’t run from suffering.

Maybe you know what that’s like. Maybe you’re like me, in some way or another.

I was raised within a utilitarian, practical and “work hard!” paradigm. Immigrants coming fresh out of the depression or WWII, my family members were survivalists- often making the most they could from almost nothing and fighting hard to get ahead. They were good people, wanting to do good in the world. The gratitude I have for their work ethic is deep. I have learned so much from them and would not be where I am today without them.


Growing up this is what was centered:  scarcity, not enough-ness, attention as love, punishment, fear of being excluded, a deep sense of exasperation and worry, competition and burdened struggle. I saw life through a filter of dread and kept mysef small to stay safe.


Amidst the layers of oppression which infiltrated my psyche, beyond the lie of separation,

something in my system knew there was more, as all humans are designed to know there is more. This is good news. Despite the layers of oppression that exist within our families of origin and culture, we have tasted from the wells of abundance, well-being, unity, and co-creation in some way or another, as they are part of our very essence as human beings.

In my own journey, the more I tasted from these wells, the more my inner world transformed, and kept transforming because once the nervous system knows what else is possible, it keeps moving towards well-being.  I started to Know more and more, simply and experientially: Joy. Abundance. Goodness. Compassion. Allowance. Love. We-ness.  This is what I have found with clients as well: the human system desires to be gently nudged awake to our own inner knowing of these territories and wants to discover what is possible beyond what we’ve known.

THANK GOODNESS. Look around… I think we can all agree that it is time for us to evolve past the violence that is prevalent wherever we look. It is time,

AND it is possible.

We need to consciously Know and embody, from deep within ourselves, these essences of well-being if we want to evolve past our suffering, and WE CAN.

I’m going a step beyond that. For the sake of our species, we NEED to Know and then LIVE our lives centering the truth of Connection and Love.  When we pause and look around at what is going on around the world, this becomes self-evident.

We can experientially learn to center the truth of connection rather than lies of separation. I know this to be true because it is at the center of my work with Matrix Integration over the last ten years.

Curiosity invites me to ask… What if?

    • What if we could get to know a Love which is not tied to action or deed, but is experiential and Known from within?
    • What if we were able to see things through the eyes of Love, that everything is connected, interdependent on everything else, and is being co-created in a perfection all its own?
    • What if we knew not to take discomfort as a personal failure, defect, or problem, but as something to learn from and be with?

These are not just casual or conceptual questions. These are the learnings that clients, students, peers, teachers and I are embodying. It is my passion and life commitment to deepen into Knowing Love, and to support others in Knowing Love, too. It is my purpose to support each other in revealing a reality that is life affirming and life fostering for everyone, in a way that our nervous systems, hearts and beings yearn for. As my sister Rebecca recently shared; “I know the world’s gotta change. I’ve started with me and have figured out a way to bring folks along.”  YES.

Join us for 3 days of experiential learning and community healing which will include rest-meditations, journeying into Self Love,  science based practices designed to support vagus/nervous system health, brain and somatic re-orientings, writing explorations, interrelation discoveries, and heart gazings into the you that you want to more fully occupy as an empowered person. Together we will orient to Knowing Love so that our brain’s neural pathways may attune, remember, and rediscover so that we can live a life of inclusion, fulfilment, and purpose. Our systems are hard wired to know love and connection, and in our weekend together, you will discover how true this is. It is simply true:  We Can Know Love.

Detail oriented Information

Dates: October 22, 23, 24: The times will be confirmed later, but will be geared towards times that match for all time zones. Estimated: Friday 1-4pm ET,  Sat and Sun 11am-5pm ET.  (Days or times don’t work for you? Please reach out… we’re trying to make this as accessible for everyone!)

Cost: Sliding scale investment is USD 395-595. Limited scholarships available. Donations accepted for those needing scholarships.

Location: Zoom  (No, this will not be one of THOSE kinds of zoom retreats! Learn more here.)

I will be keeping this limited to approximately 20 people.

If you haven’t already, check out this live conversation about the upcoming retreat! You can watch it here!!!

If you have any questions at all, reach out!  I’m happy to speak with you and help you make KNOWING LOVE a reality for you. If you want to register, please email me.

Future Event:  2022 Matrix Integration Exploration 


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